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dSolar - Deye monitoring system in real-time

dSolar - Deye real-time solar monitoring system

dSolar entityVideo:

dSolar dashboardDemo

You can familiarize yourself with the functionality of the program without connecting to your own equipment. In demo mode, the program will show the real-time operation of my own solar station.

For this you need:

  1. Download the client program dSolar for Windows or Linux or Android
  2. Run the program

dSolar ContentContent:

  1. Dashboard
  2. Architecture
  3. Equipment
  4. Server installation
  5. Server upgrade
  6. Raspberry or mini-PC
  7. Configuration
  8. Solar panel indicator
  9. Battery indicator
  10. Load indicator
  11. Grid indicator
  12. Transducer indicator
  13. PV dynamic data
  14. PV historical data
  15. Battery dynamic data
  16. Battery historical data
  17. Server message
  18. Four channel relay block

  19. Privacy Policy

  20. Download

  21. Changelog

dSolar dashboardDashboard


dSolar architectureArchitecture

The real-time solar monitoring system is built on the basis of client-server technology. dSolard server program operates on a Raspbery or Linux x86_64 microcomputer and communicates with the equipment by receiving and storing sensor data every seconds, and also responds to requests from dSolar client programs that process and visualize data. The dSolar client program runs on Windows and Android. Number of dSolar client programs that can be connected to one server dSolard is not limited. All of them will receive data from the server in asynchronous mode. That is, immediately as soon as the data arrives from the equipment sensors.

dSolar equipmentEquipment

The dSolard server processes data from the following equipment:

The equipment is connected to the Raspberry using specialized cables with a built-in inverter interfaces rs485 to USB (for Deye/SunSynk and Epever), VE.Direct to USB (for Victron SmartShunt).

Connection of the RS485->USB cable to the Deye/Sunsynk inverter:

Hybrid Deye/SunSynk inverter

Pinout of RS485->USB cable for Deye/Sunsync:

Hybrid Deye/SunSynk inverter cable pin

dSolar installationServer installation

The dSolard and dSolar programs do not require any additional configuration operating systems on which they function.

Step-by-step instruction for install dSolard on Raspberry PI or Debian:

For run in command-line mode

  1. Install Raspberry Pi OS (64-bit) from Raspberry OS download or Debian OS from Debian OS download
  2. Connect to Raspberry or Debian in console mode
  3. Run the following commands in sequence:

    $ mkdir dSolar
    $ mkdir dSolar/server
    $ cd dSolar/server
    $ wget http://doro.poltava.ua/dsolar/dSolard.zip (for Raspberry) or
    $ wget http://doro.poltava.ua/dsolar/dSolardlin.zip (for Linux x86_64)
    $ unzip dSolard.zip

  4. The application is ready to run. start server in console mode:

    $ ./dSolard

For run in service mode

  1. Follow up the procedures described for installation in command-line mode
  2. Edit file etc/dsolard for replace all path starting with /home/doro to your path ( For example: /home/me )
  3. Run the following commands in sequence:

    $ sudo cp etc/dsolard /etc/init.d
    $ sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/dsolard /etc/rc3.d/S99dsolard
    $ sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/dsolard /etc/rc5.d/S99dsolard
    $ sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/dsolard /etc/rc0.d/K01dsolard
    $ sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/dsolard /etc/rc6.d/K01dsolard

  4. It may be necessary to add your user to the dialout group if device files /dev/ttyUSB* are not accessible:

    $ usermod -a -G dialout me

  5. Service is ready to run. start server in service mode:

    $ sudo /etc/init.d/dsolard start

  6. If you need to stop the server, please execute the command:

    $ sudo /etc/init.d/dsolard stop

dSolar upgradeServer upgrade

Step-by-step instruction for upgrade dSolard on Raspberry PI or Debian:

  1. Connect to Raspberry or Debian in console mode
  2. Stop dSolard server:

    $ sudo /etc/init.d/dsolard stop

  3. Run the following commands in sequence:

    $ cd dSolar/server
    $ wget http://doro.poltava.ua/dsolar/dSolard.zip (for Raspberry) or
    $ wget http://doro.poltava.ua/dsolar/dSolardlin.zip (for Linux x86_64)
    $ unzip dSolard.zip

  4. The application is ready to run. Start server in console mode:

    $ ./dSolard

    or service mode:

    $ sudo /etc/init.d/dsolard start

dSolar Raspberry or mini-PCRaspberry or mini-PC

Recently, there has been a significant shortage of Raspberry computers. For my own use, I switched to a mini-PC.

Bought here: Beelink Mini S

I am satisfied with the computer.

dSolar mini-PC
Mini-PC as dSolard server

dSolar installationConfiguration

After starting the client program for the first time, you must specify the IP address of the Raspberry server in the settings:

Initial configuration

The equipment configuration is allowed only when the server is running in configuration mode:

$ ./dSolard configure

And add your equipment:


When changing equipment communication data ("Port" or "MODBUS Address") or adding new equipment - it is necessary restart the dSolard server.

After completing the equipment configuration, it is necessary to start dSolard server in normal mode (without attribute "configure"):

Run in console mode:

$ ./dSolard

or run in service mode:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/dsolard start

dSolar solar panel indicatorSolar panel indicator

If the indicator is used on the main instrument panel where they are displayed generalized data on all generating equipment. Otherwise, data on specific equipment is displayed.

Solar panel indicator

Indicators of the indicator (from top to bottom):

  1. Maximum power for the current day
  2. Instantaneous power value
  3. Percentage of the instantaneous power value relative to the nominal value (set during equipment configuration)
  4. Energy generated during the current day

dSolar battery indicatorBattery indicator

If the indicator is used on the main instrument panel, they are displayed generalized data on batteries. Otherwise, data on specific equipment is displayed.

Battery indicator

Indicators of the indicator (from left to right, top to bottom):

  1. Battery state: Charge(Ch), Discharge(Di), Float(Fl), Absorption(Ab)
  2. Maximum charging current for the current day
  3. Maximum discharge current for the current day
  4. Maximum charge capacity for the current day
  5. Maximum discharge capacity for the current day
  6. Battery charge in percent
  7. Battery voltage
  8. Instantaneous charge/discharge power value
  9. Instantaneous charge/discharge current value
  10. Percentage of power from maximum
  11. Total charge energy for the current day
  12. Total discharge energy for the current day
  13. Remaining charge/discharge time
  14. Energy in ampere-hours until fully charged

dSolar load indicatorLoad indicator

If the indicator is used on the main instrument panel, they are displayed generalized load data. Otherwise, data on specific equipment is displayed.

Load indicator

Indicators of the indicator (from left to right, top to bottom):

  1. Maximum load capacity for the current day
  2. Instantaneous load power value
  3. Percentage of power from maximum
  4. Total energy consumed by the load for the current day

dSolar grid indicatorGrid indicator

If the indicator is used on the main instrument panel, they are displayed data over the public grid.

Grid indicator

Indicators of the indicator (from left to right, top to bottom):

  1. Frequency of alternating current of the grid
  2. Maximum power consumption for the current day
  3. Maximum export capacity for the current day
  4. Off Grid - signals the physical disconnection of the grid from the inverters
  5. Instantaneous values of power, voltage and percentage of instantaneous power from equipment power
  6. Total energy consumption for the current day
  7. Total energy exported for the current day

dSolar transducer indicatorTransducer indicator

Indicator is used on the main instrument panel where they are displayed data from the sensors of the transducer.

Temperature indicator sliders have dynamic initial and final temperature values, which are, respectively, the minimum and the maximum temperature value for the current day.

Transducer indicator

Indicators of the indicator (from left to right, top to bottom):

  1. AC frequency of the transducer
  2. Transducer voltage
  3. Transducer efficiency(useful energy ÷ all energy) and the power lost during invertion
  4. Current temperature value of the DC transformer
  5. Current radiator temperature value
  6. The transducer's own energy consumption for the current day

PV dynamic dataPV dynamic data

When clicking on the Solar Panel Indicator opens the PV dynamic data window. This window presents the data in section existing equipment (MPPT tracker). Textual, graphical, diagrammatic information is displayed dynamically with a second-by-second change based on the latest sensor values. For graphs, you can specify the visualization of data for the last minute, the last ten minutes, or the last hour.

General PV dynamic data
Device PV dynamic data

dSolar PV historical dataPV historical data

Clicking on the icon located in the lower right corner of the solar panel indicator opens a window of historical PV data. Histogram of energy and graphs by sensors.

PV energy per day
PV energy per month
PV energy per year

Historical data on equipment sensors is available for any day. Graphs can be scaled to the seconds interval.

PV sensors
PV sensors graph zoomed

Battery dynamic dataBattery dynamic data

When clicking on the Battery Panel Indicator opens the Battery dynamic data window. This window presents the data in section existing equipment (Inverter). Textual, graphical, diagrammatic information is displayed dynamically with a second-by-second change based on the latest sensor values. For graphs, you can specify the visualization of data for the last minute, the last ten minutes, or the last hour.

Battery dynamic data for SmartShunt

dSolar Battery historical dataBattery historical data

Clicking on the icon located in the lower right corner of the Battery Panel Indicator opens a window of historical Battery data. Histogram of energy and graphs by sensors.

The energy diagram is supplemented by two graphs:

  • "Δ Delta" - the difference between charge and discharge energy
  • "Σ Summation" - the amount of energy from the beginning of the day/month, year
Battery charge/discharge energy per day
Battery charge/discharge energy per month
Battery charge/discharge energy per year

Historical data on equipment sensors is available for any day. Graphs can be scaled to the seconds interval.

Battery sensors
Battery sensors graph zoomed

dSolar server messageServer message

The program informs about server communication problems with the equipment by showing the server message icon on the dashboard.

Server message on dashboard

Clicking on the icon takes you to the window with list of all existing server messages. Also, this list is available from the main menu.

List of Server message

Viewing the full text of the server message is also available.

Server message form

dSolar relayFour channel relay block

I use the first channel of the relay block to dump the excess energy to heat the water. And uses the second channel of relay block for disconnects the grid when it is not needed.

Consider the rules for turning on and off the water heating relay:

Configure relay block

Water heating is turned on if:

Battery current exceeds 115 ampers or battery SOC exceeds 98 percents and battery current is greater -40 ampers.

Water heating is turned off if:

Battery current less than 70 ampers and battery SOC less than 97.5 percents or battery current less than -75 ampers.

Manual relay control is also possible:

Manual relay control

The current state of the relay is displayed on the dashboard:

Relay on dashboard

The list of relay events for the last 7 days:

List of relay events

I am using dtwonder four channel relay block.

Bought here: DTWONDER 1,2,4,8,16,32 relay block

dSolar relay
dtwonder Relay

Privacy Policy

All programs presented on this site do not collect, transmit or use any personal information in any way.

Download ver 1.2.0

The program is in the stage of filling and development, but the functions that are presented in any of the versions are considered working and complete, which does not exclude their progress!

Client Program:
dSolar for Windows 64dSolar client (Windows x86_64)
dSolar for AndroiddSolar client (Android arm, x86)
dSolar for Linux x86_64dSolar client (Linux x86_64 tested on Gentoo)
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